
Hello. I'm Nicole.

So basically, this blog is my brainchild and it has been floating around the internet for 4 years now. I started blogging through Tumblr then moved here in Blogspot. This blog is originally just a bunch of day to day entries, 'til it became a bunch of month to month entries, and now it also is a portfolio of other literary pieces I've written. 

I am 18 years old, and I am a Mass Comunication student majoring in Public Relations. I also make vines, but I'm not going to post those here. I am planning to make documentaries as well in the near future, though. But for now, what you see here is just all that I've been up to, aside from school, watching tons of movies and TV series, and reading books. I hope you enjoy these precious gems of mine, and try to find me on the internet if you have anything to share too! :)


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