Angular Momentum

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It's 9:15, and Sierra and Leo are at the airport. It's Sierra's big day, and they're waiting for the plane that'll take her to New York. It's gonna be a completely big change for her. A new job, new house, new friends, new environment... A new life without Leo.

"Do you want to dance?" Leo said. Without even waiting for an answer, he stood up and offered his hand to Sierra. Sierra looked around, laughing, and looked at Leo. "What are you doing?"

"Dance with me. It's gonna be our last dance until you come back." Leo said.

Sierra took Leo's hand, stood up and danced. They kept spinning, and laughing, and spinning again. People are starting to look at them, but they didn't care. They were already too busy laughing at themselves.

"I'm sorry." Leo said.
"'Why?" Sierra asked.

Leo stared at her for a while, then said "Do you know something about Angular Momentum?", as if he didn't hear Sierra's question. "Uhm, no. Tell me." She said.

"It's the measure of how much rotation an object has, by taking into account its mass, shape and speed. It's a vector quantity that describes the rotary inertia of a system about an axis and is conserved in a closed system. Because of its rotation about its axis, the Earth has rotational angular momentum, and orbital angular momentum on account of its annual revolution around the sun." Leo said.

"Did you memorize that?" Sierra said.
"Yes, actually I did." he said.
"Why are you telling me this?" she said.

"Just in case you didn't notice, we are dancing counterclockwise. And if you understood the logic of what I have just said, you'll know that I am fighting the angular momentum of the earth. Which means I'm making it the tiniest bit slower, and when the earth turns slower, time is slower. I'm willing to spin counter clockwise all night, Sierra. Just to make my time here with you longer. I'm sorry, Sierra, it's my fault your flight took longer than it should be."

Sierra kissed him, and looked at her watch. "It seems to be working, because dancing with you feels like forever, but it's just 9:18pm." and she kissed him gently.
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