Hunger Games and college

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I’m done reading the Hunger Games. It feels sad that the story’s over now. And I get that sad feeling while watching the movies when you already know what will happen. I also feel sad because two of my favorite characters in the story died, Finnick and Prim.

Next saturday we’re going back to Cavite to attend a family friend’s wedding. So then after the wedding I’m planning on hanging out with my friends from AUP since it’s been years since I’ve seen them. It’d be really nice to bond with them again.

Then on May 2 to 4 we’re gonna be at Boracay. But honestly I’m a lot more excited about the first day of school. It’s really awesome to think about college, how I’ll be a more independent person and how I’ll be more challenged with the pressure that comes with it. But I think the pressure wont be as hard to handle as it is on high school since I’m pretty sure that I’ll be enjoying what I’m gonna be doing for the next four years :D

But still there’s the enrollment process, social interactions and getting to know the place. But I think everything will be pretty much exciting and fun, the pressure aside. I’m sure that my other batch mates are as thrilled about college too as I am. But still, we'll never know.
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