Junior Officer Screening

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I went back to school (How weird is it that I use the term "school" now) yesterday for the scheduled orientation for the Junior Officer Applicants. I got there at around 12PM, which was pretty early since it was scheduled to be on 1PM. I was supposed to be around 30 minutes earlier, but the traffic was harsh (which is, by the way, a blessing in disguise because if it wasn't for the traffic, I would have waited longer than I did). I encountered one of my co-JO Applicants, Celine and Angela, in front of the Gusaling Lacson Building, so waiting wasn't really that bad since I had people to talk to. Too bad we're taking up different courses (Not that it's bad to have friends from a different college). So while waiting, we also encountered an incoming sophomore, she helped us adjust around the university and she also thought us the different terms used in the school such us "GC" which stands for Grade-Conscious. 

So at around 1:20 (Yes, filipino time), the student council officers gathered all the JO Applicants and luckily I made more friends like Berna, Melody, Jeanel, and more. I also bumped into two of my friends from Concordia which was cool since I barely see Concordians around PLM. 

When the orientation started, we introduced ourselves one by one and they told us what to expect of the screening that will occur in the following days. The SSC Officers also discussed the different projects that are being planned for the year, and more specifically the projects that will be expected in the coming Foundation Day which will be on the 18th up to the 21st of June. The most exciting part though was the interview part with Kuya Florante, the president of the university's supreme student council. He asked me questions such as, why did I choose Mass Communication, what can I contribute to the Student Council if ever I get accepted as Junior Officer, and the like. 

I tried to answer as smart and as good as I can. I really wanted to be a part of this. Not just for the experience, but also to increase my leadership skills and my interaction skills, which is what I really need as of now considering that I'm a Mass Communication Student. So pretty please with cherry on top. Pray for me guys! I'd really appreciate it. Thanksss!

PS. I've been really addicted to the stories made by HaveYouSeenThisGirl. Tried and tested. Loljk =))
PSII: Sorry for not making a post about the first orientation. Lol. The second one was more productive, tho. All I did in the first one was sleep. 'Twas boring. No offense.
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