First day of college

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So the most awaited day finally came. My first day of college. It wasn't really surprising how I didn't get enough sleep the night before, thinking about everything that might happen. So as expected, the day turned out great. I made a lot of friends, some of whom I already know on Facebook, and some whom I just met that day.

I made it to school at around 6:20AM, since my first class was scheduled at exactly 7PM. So I had to find our building first before settling, but unfortunately when I entered the building, the guards told me that the rooms wasn't to open until 7AM. So I just walked around the campus trying to get more familiar with the place. Luckily I encountered Dave, Lara and Jeanel. I just spent the next 30 minutes with them and finally entered the building.

I also got to meet some more of my blockmates and made small talk with them before our instructor came in. It was actually pretty funny how we're all so close already that we greeted and clapped at each person that entered the room. We also met our instructors in Filipino, English, History and Philosophy that day. While the instructors for Math, Science and Intro to Mass Communication introduced themselves on the second day.

PS. I'm really glad to have made that much friends already, and it's just the third day tomorrow. (Today's my free day so asdhadjafahd) and also really sorry if I didn't make a post about this on the exact day as the first day. Just, too lazy. =))
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