Today's thoughts.

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So today I was thinking about opening my mind and welcoming other forms of blogging such as fashion blogging, travel blogging, movie reviewing (Which I did three times but got tiring) or even doing something of my own like putting a unique twist in blogging. But then I thought I was too lazy to change my blog or compile another bunch of entries and I just decided to stick with my own. But of course I had other reasons why I didn't want to renovate (what's the right word) my blog.

1. Fashion Blogging - is definitely not for me. First of all, I'm not rich to afford different clothes and I don't really have the best taste in the world when it comes to dressing myself. I bet all I'd be doing is making a fool out of myself if I start a fashion blog. But I'm still thinking of reconsidering this when I lose 50 pounds and look fashionable even with a piece of rag.

2. Travel Blogging - is what I always wanted to do and my inspiration in starting a blog. I always wanted to go to places and take a million pictures and share my experiences and everything. But then reality hits me. I barely go to places. I'm always home. I'd probably have 5 travel entries in a year. 10 if I'm lucky enough. But then again, I'm definitely reconsidering this once I get a stable job and can afford to travel the world <3

3. Movie Reviews - are tiring because I don't like telling stories. I just want to rant what I thought about the movie. Which obviously won't work because I like telling a story before sharing my opinions. But doing it is tiring, so I won't do it.

4. Putting a unique twist in blogging - while writing the former three, I realized that what I'm doing right now, is putting a unique twist in blogging. Looking at my blog, it's definitely me. Nobody writes an entry like I do. Nobody can easily just write everything they feel. And this blog can be anything I want it to be, which is exactly the meaning of turning your blog around. So why not pull a unique twist of your own? Why not start a blog that is all yours?
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