Debuts debuts...

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This summer is all about turning 18!! I've attended a few debuts this summer and it just feels really great being a part of an event where a person enters the world of being an adult. It also gave me a whole bunch of ideas on what I want to do when I turn eighteen.

Well, first of all what I really want is a new car. Nothing fancy, really, as long as it's good to drive. I mean that's what being eighteen is all about, right? Being free to do what you want! And what better way to enjoy it by driving to places with a car that is all yours! And I swear, as long as I'm driving, you won't see me complaining!! (Except when I run out of gas, I guess)

This isn't necessary really for me but I'd really like to throw my own debutante party. I mean, come on, every girl has their own dream of a perfect night, the perfect gown, the perfect dance, and all for them. Having a perfect debutante party is every girl's dream. But for me, I'm not really all for cotillions and fancy dresses. All I want is a perfect night surrounded by my closest friends and family. Oh, and a swimming pool. A night is not perfect without a swimming pool, and alcohol. No need for fancy programs or anything. Just my loved ones, a good swim, and a good drink. Nothing could be more perfect.

Now I know this isn't possible. But a dance with Enrique Gil would definitely complete whatever 18th party I'll have (Wink wink, readers). And a day with One Direction in Paris!! (Wink wink again).

Credits to Tumblr for the photo!
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