Dear Friend,

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You feel so far away, yet you're so near. I can feel you beside me, but I can't see you. We're in the same world but it seems like we're in a different universe. I know this is what I wanted, to leave you behind. I had my dreams, my aspirations, my goals, things that have blinded me into thinking that leaving you was okay.

          I don't know what to do, because apparently, I have no choice as well. Maybe you thought I deserve it. Maybe you're happy right where you are now. Maybe that's the only good thing that could happen to me right now, to know that you're happy.

          I'm sorry for being cruel. I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry for leaving you behind. What happened to me? Am I still the same person you fell in love with? Or have I changed? Tell me, please. Because now I'm starting to hurt, and I know that I'm the damaged one.

          But if there was one thing I should be sorry for, it's that I never took the time to learn how to love you. Sorry for not giving any effort. Sorry for making you wait. It's as if, I forgot that our lives are not promised, and we can never tell how long we're going to last in this world. So I'm sorry for everything. For two years, the guilt has been eating me up. I'm sorry for what happened five years ago. Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye.

          I'm sorry for saying sorry now that you're gone. I'm sorry for this late apology. It's been two years since you left all the people you loved hanging, just like the way that you hung yourself. But I hope you finally found your happiness, wherever you are now, and I'm glad I got to know you. So long, my friend.

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