Today I turn 16

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So today I turn 16.

I'm not really one for sweet sixteen parties, I'm saving that for my eighteenth, I guess. Today was just an ordinary birthday. Except for this part.

It was actually my first time to get a birthday surprise. I real one, I mean. (Ehem, ehem). So our first subject today was Natural Science, and in the middle of the class, my friends Mich, Rica, Angeline and Jell came out of nowhere with a cake, singing happy birthday. It was actually the sweetest thing ever, really. No one has ever done that to me before.

I'm really lucky with my new friends. Everybody I met in college, as a matter of fact. It was just now that I came up with this conclusion. Just a thought.

The rest of the day went fast. Nothing really worth sharing.
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1 comment:

  1. Awww. Currently stalking you and saw thisss.

    Memories <3
