Dear Former Lover,

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          I believe in soulmates. I believe in perfect matches. I believe in love at first sight. I believe in destiny. But you know what I don't believe in? Meant to be's. Ever since we fell apart, I stopped believing. It was such a beautiful concept of love, but you proved to me that meant to be's are not real. Because I once believed that you are my soulmate, my perfect match, my love at first sight, my destined one. But we were never meant to be together. You were just meant to be my former lover.

          I see you everyday, but what's the use? We look past each other, anyway. We say "hi" and "hello" but they mean nothing to us. We had such a beautiful thing right in front of us, but we just put it to waste. We could have had something wonderful, but life got in the way. The kind of people we want to be, I realized, is more important than the kind of people we should be.

          You weren't happy anymore. I knew you so well, that I could tell your smiles were fake, your hands didn't fit in mine, and your hugs are not as tight. I guess we were too perfect, or maybe that's just what I think. I'm not blaming you, and I'm not holding any grudges. Because when we finally settled to keep our distance, I actually did. I didn't cry, I didn't say anything against you. Because right then and there, when you went away, I realized that I wasn't in love with you, I was inlove with what we were. Two persons perfectly fitted for each other.

          But now we're both happy with what we have, and I'm thankful for still having you around. Now, you're a reminder that some people may be perfect for you, but not meant for you. What was perfect for me was just an experiment to you. I guess you were just trying to see if you were capable of loving someone like me. I guess I didn't reach your standards, but he did. And I'm happy for you.
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