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Super sleepy but then I suddenly got in the mood to write an entry.

So today was the first day of our school’s week-long intramurals. Or as we concordians call it, the “fair”. It wasn’t really that much enjoyable, to be brutally honest. But I somewhat had fun, considering the fact that I was just at school the whole day with my friends, without classes (although I would still prefer ditching and going to the mall instead. Loljk).

Tomorrow is the second day, obviously. And many of us are still expecting more booths tomorrow, as there were only a few booths today. And I’m also hoping that the rain would stop tomorrow, until friday, lol.
Then on wednesday will be the day of our cheering competition \m/ I encourage you all to come. It will be at the Concordia College gymnasium, 4pm. Please do come and watch, and dont forget to wear blue! :>
Kayy. Goodnight.
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