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I enrolled yesterday and got my class cards, my schedule, library card, and I also paid for my uniform already. One more month ‘til a new world starts. A new road to walk on. A new spotlight to make or mark on. A new obstacle to face. This thing people refer to as college. I don’t know if I’m excited or nervous. Excited because I’m taking up a course that suites my interests perfectly, and I’m taking it up at one of my dream schools. But nervous because it’s not high school anymore. It’s a completely new and different field. There are going to be new places and new people to adjust to.

A lot of my Concordian batch mates are also going to the same university as I am. One will even take up the same course as mine. I also had an encounter with one of them during the enrollment process yesterday. It’s really cool to know that a lot of your friends back in high school are going to be in the same shoes as yours. Only in a different design, but all in a same quality and size. It’s good to know that I can still walk by them along the campus or even share classes with one of them. College should be exciting.
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