CMC General Assembly

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I noticed that I barely write an entry here so I decided to write about CMC's general assembly today.

So what happens on a regular GA? Each block is required to present any number, and we were given only two days to prepare. Our block decided to do a dance number, and luckily our presentation turned out great.

Not everyone in our block had the chance to dance in front of everyone, though. There were only 9 of us that honestly, weren't really professionals. Though we didn't win, there's always next year, and the next year, and the next year. If only there would be no re-blocking and I'd have my them as my blockmates for the next four years. 

About my 1 month long stay in college already, I can definitely say that it's been a blast. This is just my first month and I've already made a lot of friends, from other blocks, other courses, other years. The PLM community has been really nice to me (and everyone else, for that matter). And now, I'm definitely sure that this is where I belong ;) No regrets, and no hate that I didn't get into UP, DLSU, ADMU, or UST. Yes, college is amazing.

PS. Midterms are coming up. Wish me lots and lots and lots of luck.
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