Why I hate going back

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Tonight's probably one of those nights when I get to overthink stuff through. And I really want to remember this one because I may not remember these thoughts tomorrow.

So we're spending the last remaining days of summer in our second house in Cavite... Notice how I call it "house" rather than "home"?

I always loved living here in Manila.

I never really liked living in Silang probably because I feel so lonely, and I barely have friends there. The only thing that keeps me, I think, is my mom and dad. They love it out there. We've got an amazing house, really friendly people, and the place is almost made to perfection. To think, it's really a whole lot better than Manila. So I don't really understand why I never liked living there. I never really had a good reason.

We stayed there for two years, but eventually came back home in the city because I convinced them to. I guess two years was not enough for me to call it my home. So we came back. And after two years, Manila whole heartedly welcomed me back. Almost as if I never left.

I'll always prefer the city. The loud jeepney noise, the annoying traffic, beggars and homeless people everywhere, I missed that while I was away. Some of you may think why I wanted to stay. Well a good reason, maybe, is because this is home for me. The annoying and loud environment of Manila is where I grew up.

And hey, if it wasn't for Manila, I wouldn't be getting a free college education. I guess I owe this city that much, right?
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